Monday, February 16, 2009

Kinder Jasper Johns Number and Alphabet Paintings

Jasper Johns " Numbers in Color", 1958-1959

Jasper Johns "Colored Alphabet" 1959

Kinder students have been studying American artist Jasper Johns. Johns uses common objects as subjects for his paintings, including maps, flags, numbers, and letters. Students drew either numbers or letter with oil pastels, then painted around them with different colors. Look for these finished paintings at Zilker's School-wide Student Art Show in April!

2nd Grade Clay Akuaba Dolls

Here are students drawing details into the surface of their clay dolls. Next week we will be adding the African colors with glaze.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fifth Graders' Mexican Bark Paintings

Fifth Graders are working hard on their Mexican Bark Paintings. Each student had to choose either a real or an imaginary animal, then draw the animal showing movement. Here are students adding bright colors with tempera paint.

Third Grade Picasso Double Faces

Need some color? Check out third grade's crazy faces. We looked at Andy Warhol's print "Picasso Double Face" for inspiration, then looked at several of Pablo Picasso's cubist faces where he combined two faces as one or added multiple views to a single face. We then drew our own cubist face,and are now adding color with paint. Be on the lookout for these paintings during the school-wide art show in April.

2nd Grade Akan Akuaba Dolls

Second Graders are continuing their study of African art through creating their own clay Akan Akuaba Dolls. The Akan tribe is from the country of Ghana, and artisans make these dolls as a symbol for a husband and wife's wish for a baby. The dolls are in the shape of the ankh, an ancient Egyptian symbol which means life. Students are about to start sculpting their dolls out of clay, and then will add color with glaze. Here are students with their finished drawings, ready to start clay next week.