Monday, December 10, 2012

1st Grade Starry Night Over Austin

 First Grade art students are studying the art of Vincent Van Gogh.  We looked at many of his paintings and discussed his unique brush strokes that create such vivid textures in his colorful paintings.  We then read a great book called "Vincent's Colors" from the Metropolitan Museum of Art that shows many of Van Gogh's artworks accompanied by his own words describing them, from letters to his brother Theo. Then we studied one of his most famous works of art "Starry Night."  Students recreated their own versions of starry night and made it closer to home, over the city of Austin.  Students also recreated the textured strokes using oil pastels.  This project is so wonderful because in spite of everyone doing the same subject matter, each child's art comes out so unique with their style of applying the oil pastels. Enjoy!