Monday, February 25, 2013

Kinder Patterns

Kinder art students have been busy creating beautiful patterns in the Zilker art room recently.  We used crayons first, pushing hard with our muscles to put down a nice layer of waxy color.  In these photos you can see students adding a color tempera wash over the crayon patterns, creating a wax-resist painting.  Be sure to come see our musical on March 7, and you will discover what the kinder students created out of their patterned papers!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

5th Grade Mexican Bark Paintings

 Fifth Grade artists are studying a type of folk art from Mexico called bark paintings, or amate paintings.  These paintings come from a place in Mexico called Guerrero.  The artist there are self trained, or have learned the art from relatives or friends, which is why it is considered to be a form of folk art. 

 Students first chose an animal to draw as the center of interest, then surrounded the animal with plants and flowers.  Next students added a pattern around the border of their drawings that included overlapping shapes.  Here students are adding bright imaginary colors to their drawings just like the Mexican artists do.  After we are finished painting, students will add texture and details with a black pencil.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

3rd Grade Laurel Burch Cats & Dogs

Third grade artists are studying the art of Laurel Burch.  We looked carefully at her brightly colored compositions, focusing on her dog and cat paintings. We used glue and oil pastel.  Look for these finished art works in the School-wide Art Show in April!