Monday, March 25, 2013

2nd Grade Clay Akuaba Dolls

Second graders are learning about Akuaba Dolls.  These dolls are made by artists in Ghana, and they are members of the Akan tribe. The Akan tribe gives the dolls as wedding presents because they represent the wish for the couple to have healthy babies.  Students created these dolls out of clay, and here they are painting the traditional African colors of red, yellow, green and black onto the dolls with glaze.  Look for these to come home soon!

Monday, March 18, 2013

1st Grade Self Portrait Collages

First Grade Zilker artists are making their self portraits using paper and glue.  We have discussed symmetry, and are folding our papers in half so that we get two shapes exactly alike when we cut to achieve perfect symmetry.  Students are having a fun time adding small details to their clothing, like pockets, buttons, patterns, zippers, and belts.  These are always a favorite project for parents! Each portrait has a distinct personality, just like its creator!

Monday, March 4, 2013

4th Grade Self Portrait Paintings

Zilker fourth grade artists have been busy creating wonderful self portrait paintings based on Henri Matisse's style with bold patterns and simple facial features.  These are amazing, and will be on display for this year's school-wide art show in April.  I cannot wait for everyone to enjoy them!  Here  are some photos of students painting the pattern backgrounds.