Thursday, September 26, 2013

Kinder Free Form Leaf Rubbings & Paintings

 Kinder students are busy learning about free form shapes and texture rubbings!  We first talked about how free form shapes are different from geometric shapes because they do not have names or even, smooth edges, and they are found mostly in nature.  We then talked about how the seasons were changing from summer to fall, and discussed what happens during Fall: the weather is cooler, the leaves change color, and then fall from the trees.  Leaves are free form shapes, so we took some leaf texture plates, placed them under our papers, and used our large crayons to rub the leaf images onto our papers, filling all of the space with free form leaves.

 The next art class we added more color with paint!  We talked about how to use our brushes gently, and started adding color to our leaves. Students noticed that even though the paint stuck to the paper, it did not stick to the crayon.  We talked about how the crayons have wax in them, and how water will not stick to wax.  Students will finish painting their leaves next time, creating a wonderful abstract work of color!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Second Grade: Where the Wild Things Are

 Second Grade artists are busy creating their own Wild Things!  We read the outstanding author and illustrator Maurice Sendak's book "Where the Wild Things Are," and looked very closely at the illustrations.  Mr. Sendak draws some incredible textures throughout the story, and we talked about  how he used lines and shapes to create all of the different textures.  We then practiced some different textures together, and then drew our own wild thing and used at least four different textures on different parts of the wild thing. After practicing two or three, we chose our best idea and drew it bigger on a piece of white construction paper.  Students outlined with a black Sharpie, and here they are adding color with watercolors. Look for these on display at Zilker soon!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Zentangle Letter Designs

This year we joined in on the Zentangle craze that has swept the art education world! Zilker fourth and fifth grade students have created amazing designs for their sketchbook covers.  They chose the first initial of either their first or last name, and drew that letter as a shape.  Then, they divided the space with four different lines, which created many different free form shapes.  Inside the shapes they drew patterns with a sharpie marker.  We looked at several Zentangle designs, and then students created many of their own pattern ideas.  It was a truly "zen-like" experience because students were focused and relaxed.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Welcome Back Zilker Artists!

We are starting the 2013-2014 school year thinking about CREATIVITY!  Students from 1st - 3rd grades last May helped to create this great bulletin board of hands up for creativity. We are off to a great start, reviewing our elements and Principles of Design. Look for some new artworks featuring the element of LINE in later September!