Tuesday, December 17, 2013

2nd Grade Flower Paintings.

Inspired by American artists Georgia O'Keeffe, second grade artists are creating their own version of a flower.  First, we looked at many of O'Keeffe's paintings.  Students practiced drawing flowers close up, then picked their best drawing to create into a painting. We discussed how to create intermediate colors by mixing a primary color with a secondary color, and created our own color wheels with the six intermediate colors.  Students chose one intermediate color to mix for their large petals.

Check out the finished flower paintings on our online art museum at Artsonia!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Third Grade Cave Art

Third Grade Zilker artists just finished studying Prehistoric Cave Art.  We watched video of the famous Lascaux  cave in France, and were mesmerized by the huge paintings of animals made by people thousands of years ago. We practiced drawing some of the animals that these ancient artists first recorded: bison, deer, horses, bears, and cows.   Students choose their best drawing and carefully cut it out, adding it to a background that they first added implied texture to with texture rubbing plates and actual texture from crumpling the paper.  As a final touch, students added some prehistoric symbols and pictographs that were also discovered on the walls of the Lascaux cave.  Look for these to be displayed in the hallway in January!

Monday, December 2, 2013

5th Grade Art Gallery Drawings

 Fifth Grade artists are creating the illusion of a three-dimensional room on a two-dimensional surface - paper!  Students used six perspective techniques to help create their illusions: converging lines, overlapping, different sizes of objects, placement of objects, detail, and color.  A casual classroom poll confirmed that students' favorite part was designing the artworks and sculptures for their galleries.  Students were able to choose what style of art was in the galleries as well as if they wanted to have a matching theme for the art.  Outstanding attention to detail and color really invite viewers to take a closer look. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

First Grade Color Books

 First Grade artists have been hard at work learning all about COLOR!  We are creating our color books right now, and here are photos of students working on the color families: warm, cool and neutral colors.  We also created our own color wheel and used primary colors to mix and create secondary colors.  In addition we have studied the complementary colors, and the color order of the rainbow: ROY G. BIV.  Look for these outstanding color theory books to come home just in time for the holidays!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Fourth Grade House Sculptures

 Fourth Grade art students have the job of architects these days at Zilker Elementary!  They are hard at work designing two story houses out of cardboard.  For inspiration, we looked at photos of older houses, and discussed their texture and details.  Then we started constructing our houses. We have to use a lot of glue to make the house structurally sound.  We also had to think about the function of the houses and what they needed to be functional for living: four walls, windows, a door, and a slanted roof with an overhang to keep the house dry.
 Next, we are adding details and making our houses have a variety of textures and details.  We talked about having a variety of different styles of windows, and making different kinds of textures on different walls: bricks, stones, peeling paint, or boards.  Last, we will add little extra details, like porch lights, chimneys, or whatever else our imaginations come up with!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Third Grade Radial Designs

Third Grade Art Students are learning all about Radial Balance, when an object has two or more lines of symmetry, and the elements of design radiate out from a central point.  We looked at several different radial designs, including this one of a stained glass window at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.  Students then practiced drawing different radial designs using a variety of shapes, lines, and colors. We folded our square-shaped papers twice to create two lines of symmetry, and to find the exact center of the paper.  Students chose their best design to create their final piece on white paper with markers. Students are working hard to finish these this week - look for them soon in the Zilker Hallway!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Kinder Piet Mondrian Prints

Kinder art students have started studying the Element of Design of COLOR! We looked at Dutch artist Piet Mondrian and discussed how he used the three Primary Colors: red, blue, and yellow, as his main colors, and then added black and white to his compositions.  We also identified some basic shapes in his artworks: squares and rectangles, as well as straight lines.  We started with different sizes of red, blue, and yellow squares and rectangles, and tried to arrange them on our white papers in a satisfying way.  Once we had our shapes arranged, we glued them down.  The next art day, we added straight black lines using a stamp print method.  These photos show students using a piece of cardboard and black paint to stamp their straight black lines in between the rectangles and squares.

Friday, October 11, 2013

4th Grade Aboriginal Dot Paintings

Fourth grade artists are learning all about the Australian Aboriginal dot paintings. We looked at many different examples, some very old and some from modern Australian artists.  We talked about how the Aborigines depicted animals in their artworks, and how important the animals are in their everyday life.  
Students then each had to choose a native Texas animal to depict in their own artwork.  We talked about how to create a silhouette of the animal, or outline, on black paper.  After students glued down their silhouettes, they then had to draw two different x-ray drawings of the animals' bones or internal organs.  X-ray drawings are a very unique feature of many Aborigine dot paintings.  Finally, students had to start adding color dots with sticks.  This was trickier than most students imagined! Students added patterns, a dot outline around the edge of the animal silhouettes, and concentric circles in the background.  These are outstanding paintings!  Look for the finished versions on Artsonia! http://www.artsonia.com/schools/school.asp?id=105385

Thursday, October 3, 2013

1st Grade Free Form Shapes

 First grade artists are learning all about free form shapes! Students drew one free form shape, then carefully cut it out and traced it many times onto a black piece of paper.  Students made sure to overlap their shapes many times on the paper to create new free form shapes.  Then, students had to put glue on top of all of their pencil lines...a very tricky technique!  The glue had to dry overnight, and here are photos of students adding color inside their free form shapes after the glue had dried.  The bright colors are from construction paper crayons, which work really well on darker paper.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Kinder Free Form Leaf Rubbings & Paintings

 Kinder students are busy learning about free form shapes and texture rubbings!  We first talked about how free form shapes are different from geometric shapes because they do not have names or even, smooth edges, and they are found mostly in nature.  We then talked about how the seasons were changing from summer to fall, and discussed what happens during Fall: the weather is cooler, the leaves change color, and then fall from the trees.  Leaves are free form shapes, so we took some leaf texture plates, placed them under our papers, and used our large crayons to rub the leaf images onto our papers, filling all of the space with free form leaves.

 The next art class we added more color with paint!  We talked about how to use our brushes gently, and started adding color to our leaves. Students noticed that even though the paint stuck to the paper, it did not stick to the crayon.  We talked about how the crayons have wax in them, and how water will not stick to wax.  Students will finish painting their leaves next time, creating a wonderful abstract work of color!