Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December in the Art Room

Fourth Grade artists are finishing their St. Basil's Cathedral Value drawings.  We learned about using different techniques to show light, medium, and dark values with markers: cross hatching, hatching, and stippling.

Kinder students are creating Snowman Collages using paper and glue.  They are making their paper have a little more texture by tearing the paper into pieces instead of cutting it with scissors.
2nd Graders are finishing up their O'Keeffe Flower Paintings!

Third grade artists are blending oil pastels to show light to dark values, and using artist Wassily Kandinsky as inspiration!
1st Grade Artists have been working hard on their Color Books.  They are almost complete, and students will be bringing them home this month to share with their families!
5th grade artists have been studying the great Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci, and have created horse sculptures out of clay. Right now we are planning our glaze colors and are glazing next week!